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Journal of Microbiology and Infection



right arrow  Dr.Ying-Chien Chung
Professor, Biological Science and Technology Department, China University of Science and Technology
Email: ycchung@cc.cust.edu.tw


right arrow  Dr.Ludmila VÄ«ksna
Professor, Infectology Department, Riga Stradiņš University
Email: Ludmila.Viksna@rsu.lv
right arrow  Dr.Guadalupe García Elorriaga
Associate Researcher, Immunology and Infectious Diseases Department, Centro Médico Nacional La Raza
Email: gelo12@infinitummail.com
right arrow  Dr.Leonid Perelomov
Head of the Laboratory, Biogeochemistry Department, Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Email: perelomov@rambler.ru
right arrow  Dr.Amgad M. Rabie
Senior Pharmacist, Drug Discovery and Clinical Research Department, Dikernis General Hospital
Email: amgad.phd1920001@pharma.asu.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Pedro Jorge Louro Crugeira
Researcher, Biotechnology and Ecology of Microorganisms Department, Federal University of Bahia
Email: pedro.crugeira@ipb.pt
right arrow  Dr.Rodrigo Ce
Professor, Biomedical Sciences Department, Centro Universitário Avantis - UNIAVAN
Email: rodrigoce@uniavan.edu.br
right arrow  Dr.Muhammad Uzair Mukhtar
Assistant Professor, Medical Entomology and Parasitology Department, Institute of Public Health
Email: uzair@hsa.edu.pk
right arrow  Dr.Gabriele Bianco
Microbiologist, Microbiology and Virology Department, Turin University
Email: gabriele.bianco@unito.it
right arrow  Dr.Italo M. Urrutia
Assistant Professor, Cellular Health and Infection Department, Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Email: italo.urrutia@uautonoma.cl
right arrow  Dr.Garima Awasthi
Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University
Email: gawasthi@lko.amity.edu
right arrow  Dr.Khansaa Mohammed Younis
Assistant Professor, Microbiology Department, University of Mosul
Email: kansbio50@uomosul.edu.iq
right arrow  Dr. Rupak Roy
Research Scientist, Environmental Biotechnology Department, SHRM Biotechnologies Pvt. Ltd
Email: rupak@shrmbio.com
right arrow  Dr.Irfan Ahmad
Associate Professor, Genetics & Biotechnology Department, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology
Email: ahmadirfan@skuastkashmir.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Mi-Sun Kang
Director of Research, R&D Center
Email: jieenkang@oraticx.com
right arrow  Dr.Nidhi Rani
Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Chitkara University
Email: nidhi.rani@chitkara.edu.in
right arrow  Dr.Badiaa Essghaier
Assistant Professor, Microorganisms and Active Biomolecules Department, University of Tunis El Manar
Email: badiaa.essghaier@fst.utm.tn
right arrow  Dr.Liaqat Ali
Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences Department, National University of Medical Sciences
Email: Liaqat.ali@numspak.edu.pk
right arrow  Dr.Ying-Chien Chung
Professor, Biological Science and Technology Department, China University of Science and Technology
Email: ycchung@cc.cust.edu.tw
right arrow  Dr.Namita Das Saha
Senior Scientist, Environment Science Department, ICAR-Central Tobacco Research Institute
Email: Namita.Saha@icar.gov.in
right arrow  Dr.Elif Sibel Aslan
Assistant Professor, Molecular Biology and Genetics Department, Biruni University
Email: easlan@biruni.edu.tr
right arrow  Dr.Mahendra K. Verma
Research Director, MetaBioGenX Pvt. Ltd
Email: mahendra.verma@ausoma.org
right arrow  Dr.Mohamed Elnosary Abdo Elnosary
Associate Professor, Botany and microbiology Department, Al-Azhar University
Email: mohamed.elnosary@azhar.edu.eg
right arrow  Dr.Snehasish Mishra
Associate Professor, Biotechnology Department, KIIT Deemed University
Email: smishra@kiitbiotech.ac.in
right arrow  Dr.Gaurav Saxena
Assistant Professor, Biotechnology Department, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences
Email: gauravsaxena@shooliniuniversity.com
right arrow  Dr.Maryam Meskini
lecturer, Department of Mycobacteriology and Pulmonary Research Department, Pasteur Institute of Iran
Email: M_meskini@pasteur.ac.ir
right arrow  Dr.Chita Ranjan Sahoo
Consultant, Centre for Industrial Biotechnology Research Department, Siksha 'O' Anusandhan Deemed to be University
Email: chitaranjansahoo@soa.ac.in
right arrow  Prof.ANDRE DE LIMA AIRES
Tropical Medicine Department, Federal University of Pernambuco/UFPE
Email: andre.laires@ufpe.br

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